
Monday, May 27, 2013

We're Expecting!

Yes, We are pregnant again! :)
hah..? so soon? misti ada yang cakap camtu kan? hahaha
i know..quite soon! :P
and we are not expecting it too..
well, its God plan.. :)
at first im not really excited about getting pregnant again, tapi on last monday (20th May)
saya ada pigi scan baby ba,,
its due to im bleeding.. not so serious just a dot of blood.. 
then again it really freak us out!
im feeling so weak by that time..
so, bila kana scan tu kan, i saw that 2nd little me+max was moving so cutely! 
owh...barulah sy rasa sooooo excited! 
its so bad for me to think and not feel grateful..i know! bedusa sy ni..
but actually i am really afraid of sickness during my 1st trimester..
tell you, i can handle the labour pain instead of morning sickness! 
kalau labour pain, sikijap ja sakit dia...about few hours..
kalau morning sickness..berbulan2 ba tu!!!
But Hooray!! im entering my 2nd Trimester today...
harap2 teda sudala tu sickness tu...
*cross finger*


  1. Congrats again mandak! :D Sama-sama kita counting days to due la ni hihihi..

  2. Congrats again Belle!! Mmg kalau nda expect, kita ada tu rasa nda excited at the beginning... kes mcm c jie jie jg.. huhuuh... Nyway, hope you feel better from 2nd trimester onwards. Enjoy ur pregnancy sekali lagi! :D


    wah mmg murah rezeki ko ni.. slmt ber morning sickness

  4. congratsssss for the 10x sudah nie kan...hehe eh ko pun ada bleeding ka?? sia pun hari tu ada ah...terus menangissss :D cepat2 jumpa dr...sekali ok juga...*phew*
    sama2 lah kita menghitung hari...sia 1hb Nov.. LOL 1 bulan awal dari ko.. :P
    Nasib hilang sudah ko punya MS kan...nah bulih makan berabis sudah nie...hehehhee

  5. congrats Belle! Murah rezeki ko mandak...hehe


The Einstein words! :)