
Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Look..Finally!

Blog got its new look!
Terima kasih kepada tiada kerja patut di buat masa kini!
Thanks to Annie for the link she gave me the other day!
Got this template from 
well, since i am myself really into her blog template,
sebab kiyut ni, ada karikatur dia..
so im thinking to have one like her la! (*ikut2 ba ;P)
but, i think hers is custom made.
'Dear Annie, sang manah kawuh buwat itu katun2 kawuh?'
Did u noticed the girl on top right..itu mimang ni template punya itu.
bukan saya itu!
I really like to have Me, Mr. Husband and Son Heaven cartoon on top of this blog.
Tapi, apa2 pun...
i should be proud of myself to make an effort and do this renovation
Good Job Belle! (*tepuk2 bahu sendiri)
Jadeh! cantik ka tia blog sia?
p/s: btw, BLUE is my new PINK!

till next post!
God bless!


  1. apa lagi belle, custom made la jg... hihihihi.. maybe sia tukar header ja ni.. ;p

  2. emm...just...tngula tahap kerajinan ini..hehehe

  3. Nah amoi, saya baru nampak ni post hari ni. Hehe.. Siou :D Nice new home! Cute-cute kan ipietoon punya layouts..

    WP = wordpress

    Oh itu masuk dalam pakej sudah tuh moi, saya request dari si Cindy of Ko try asking-asking dia la.. Hehe!

  4. Neat looking blog header. Two thumbs up for a beautiful new look.

  5. annie- iya...cute ni....ok sy cuba tanya dia la...btw, is it expensive? :P

    DE- thanks... after berabad2 baru sy tukar layout


The Einstein words! :)