
Tuesday, January 8, 2013


*google pix*
hah! macam ni la perhimpunan kami..
exactly macam School Assembly!
Perhimpunan.. I am really not into this things..
I even want to puke on that words..
FYI, we do have our monthly assembly in my workplace
Which I hate the most! Like SERIOUSLY HATE!
I think its the old fashion of transmitting information
What is the website/portal is for then?
Tutup la tu website tu! also, apala guna tu meeting kena buat?
Cukup-cukup la ba di sekolah saja ada perhimpunan!
And again, what upsetting me the most, it’s begin on 8PM and
My superior makes it compulsory for us to attend it! 
Or else, we need to prepare a reason letter.Like FISH!
 Don’t they get why do we have the 3 working hours (*govt sector)? 7.30, 8.00 and 8.30?
Mine is 8.30-5.30 and why do I take that because I can’t even manage to reach office before 8!
Not because I can’t woke up earlier than usual.
I woke up at 6.15am today, like very early for me to woke up ar! -_-‘
prepare my son’s meal (*porridge) and get ready
Send son to Just’s house at 7am (*her mum is baby sit my son)
And, I blame on KL traffic too! I’m stuck at one place for about 40mins!
And after a rushing morning, I’M LATE! Didn't manage to reach before 8!..sish!
Phew…(*inhale ..exhale)..i need to focus on positive things…
So here I am, blogging and preparing my reason!


  1. d mana ko stuck 40min moy? sandi kan perhimpunan?? mintapuji ja tu! ceisss

    1. 30mins- Duke-setiawangsa
      10mins - dalam mindef itself! cis!

  2. Oh assembly for working adults? so not cool. every morning?

    1. no la...hahaha...just once in a month...hehehe
      tapi pls la ba...apa guna tu meetings and portal..
      bila sy tanya apa info hangat time d perhimpunan...
      dorg jawab..teda! just pemain bola ATM datang and bg tepukan selamat...
      other than that semua hal2 army..
      so i was like...seriously?


The Einstein words! :)