
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Easy A!

I remember Daniel Chiam's review about this movie...
pastu sy rasa cam mauuuuu jak tingu ni movie..
and luckily a friend of my husband ada ni DVD..
so pa lagi tanpa berpikir panjang sy trus minta pinjam... ngeeehhe.. :B
have u guys watch this?

Tell you.. this is TOTALLY 'A' movie..
paling sy suka pasal ni movie '*ialah' *skema siot
the Parents-children relationship..
it shows how the parents are so sporting and supportive in this movie..
they believe their kids over rumors..
but sometimes its so crazy..hahaha...
like this scene..

funny eh? curios about the present? guess it! will tell ya later :P
i wish i could be such an open minded, sporting and supportive mother to my kids in future
ada lagi satu scene yang paling sy suka dalam ni movie..
but unfortunately sy cuba search di youtube.. teda pula...
if u already watch this..
the scene when the girl confess to her mother and durg duduk atas kereta..
pastu her mother pun confess what she have done before...
part angkat kaki paling sy rasa lucu...
so guys...
pa lagi...carila ni movie...
watch it! You'll not regret!

one of my fav scene too!


  1. My type of movie... :D Thanks for the review. ;)

  2. I haven't seen this movie... but just from the clips you shared, I really like it. I love intelligent comedies... especially the conversations. You know what I mean hehee.

    Ba happy Monday, Belle.


The Einstein words! :)