
Tuesday, October 11, 2011


(google pix)

sy punya title..
cam title karangan kan..haha...trip jala..
how are u? harap ok2 aja kamu a...
as we all know..
Malaysia is a multiracial country..
dengan ke'multiracial' tu juga la
menyebabkan banyak dialek bahasa melayu.. going to blog about bahasa melayu today..
(*OK,..u may yawn :-O~)
but of course, im not going to talk about Sabahan BM too..
when i first step on tanah melayu a.k.a Semenanjung Malaysia
it was when i am 20..
I got an offer to work here in KL..
mula2 tu sy agak blur2 juga la when communicating with peeps here..
but it didn't last long..yalah muda lg kan time tu so capat juga la sy catch up their slang..
tapi ada satu yang sy confius dulu..and it really give an impact to me till now..
dulu2 masa masuk office awal2..
ramai colleagues sy Kelantanese..
BM durg ni cam jauh tersimpang dari BM standard..
so adalah ni kakak satu opis ni..
kakak2 sebaya dia panggil MEK SU (*bukan nama sebenar)
so i tot MEK is stand for KAKAK..
saya pun belasah jak panggil dia MEK SU
and the other kakak..i still called them kakak..
so bila freshie masuk..they call her KAK SU
time tu sy hairan..why they not calling her MEK SU..
time tu baru la saya tau...
MEK is actually stand for emm...
as far as i understand..
MEK ni kalau di Sabah maksud dia SUMANDAK..
kira cam tu la...
(correct me if im wrong)
sometimes i feels like im kinda rude for not calling her kakak..
tapi biar la... since she dont pun antam jak la..
so kalau MEK = SUMANDAK
i may call myself
LOL!! hahahaha...
lain ei~!

(p/s: akhirnya...a post!)


  1. ko ckp psl urg kelantan ni.. trus sia teringat dulu nimate sia urg kelantan. bercerita psl ntah apa.. tp sia mention katak... baru2 gia dtg sini kan.. so msh karas lg tu lidah mau tukar slang. sia sebut ja tu katak mcm kita sebut selalu... dia nda phm ni.. trus sia heran dia nda phm. so sia kasi eja. berabis dia kasi ketawa sia and at the same time ajar sia sebut kunun... "katoq".. ko tau la mcmana org kelantan pnya sebutan kan..adeiiii..

  2. just!! tau!!! hahahaha...lucu! mengajar pun salah!hahah..bagus lagi BM sabahan..boleh lagi faham...kalau Kelantanese...atukei! lari jauuuuuuuuuuuuh suda sebutan dia ma BM standard ba..
    Balik jadi Kelik
    tapi nda apa...pengalaman n ilmu juga tu.. :)

  3. oh yess... 'kelik'! baik lg 'muli'! muahahah.. rindu pula time U dulu... hmm..

  4. Hahaa Mek ka equals to sumandak? Wow. Then we have a lot of pretty Meks in Sabah and all of them cannot compare to other parts in the country. Wakakaka.

    Happy Saturday, Belle.

  5. just> Muli tu bahasa KaduS suda gia tu... :)

    Armstrong> setahu sy la...Mek = sumandak.. jadi sy pun santik la ni kan.. :P masuk bakul angkat sendiri...


The Einstein words! :)