
Monday, July 18, 2011

Malu Bertanya Sesat jalan, Banyak Bertanya?

famous ni ayat kan?
I was at the Local Bank just now
and the Customer service Pakcik serve me so well
mimang patut dia dapat pujian..
so when i entered the bank..
dia pun greet sy..
'Selamat petang cik, how may i help u?'
so sy pun straight to the point la..
apa yang sy mau berurusan di tu bank..
so dia pun pigila cari tu document yg sy mau di office
so while i was waiting for that pakcik at the customer service counter
ada ni security guard next to the counter..
well, maybe he was bored..
so he break the silence..
and ask me.
'Sabah Sarawak ke?'
"Sabah" i replied.
'dah lama kerja sini?'
'emm...baru 7 tahun'
'Ganti-ganti kerja ke, 1 keje je?'
'1 keje je'
sy mula not comfortable to entertain his Q suda sini..
so sy make faces to hint hin that im not interested to talk to him.
since i am suffering tonsillitis today..
tidak sakit sanggat tapi..cuma tdak larat mau becakap banyak ba..
then again dia ni yang nda paham atau nda mau paham ask me again...
'Dah kawin ke?'
'Dah' I replied..
and u cant believe what he replied me..
'Patut la, tengok badan pun dah tau da'
i was like..
WTF!!!! tebeliak mata sy kijap kana jawab begitu..

mau ja sy jawab
kerja ko ni apa? tingu badan orang?
pastu ada lagi Q dia ni...
'tidak nampak cam kristian pun?'
i dont know why he ask me such Q, mungkin sebab he saw my necklace kali
aduih..makin boiling darah sy sini..
tapi sempat juga bepikir..
macamana org kristian yang dia maksudkan..
must a christians to looked like mat salleh? bingung~!
tapi sy tdak cakap apa2 lagi sama tu stupid security man
then suddenly Hubby came in to me and pass me the car key
since he want to go and buy paper at 7E next to this bank..
lepas tu tiada suda soalan dia tanya..
bare in mind
Status, Race, Age, Job, Children, Religion
is sensitive question for first conversation.

dont ever ask people such question.
mungkin ada yang rasa it is not..
but believe me..
people will make faces and some may stunned for a sec and hesitate to answer that.
Why dont ask other question..
tanya pasal tempat menarik di kampung orang tu ka..
emm~ really la that pakcik sikuriti a..
tambah bad mood sy jak ni ari...
well untuk penutup post ni ari,
I AM ROUND nowadays,
but he is UGLY!!


  1. lek ko moi..dia mmg dalam kebosanan tahap gaban suda tu! but sounds creepy la, u know mcm tu perogol bersiri pulak..(especially when he said regarding body body punya part ni) so uncomfortable!

  2. iya ba...adui...trus sy teingat balik rupa dia o...paling sy ingat karies gigi dia di gigi kapak dia... ishhh....kambang kapala sy ni...

  3. Biasa la Belle, lebih2 lagi kita kumpulan etnik ni, selalu saja di-misunderstood. silap2 haribulan ditanya kita ni indon ka, filipino ka, thailand ka, itu lagi mau kasi marah sangat2. tak tau ka kita ni exotic. tsk tsk tsk.

    sabar-sabar, kau cantek dan bijak lagi bah. :-)

    btw, nice site. blogjumped from Eugene's.

  4. Hey Belle, thanks for dropping by...........well next time if you don't feel like talking to a stranger,then just pretend that you are busy, may be you can take out your handphone and pretend to make calls,,,,,,,,,

    just be careful,there are loads of crazy people out there,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    take care now Belle,and hope to see you again ya

  5. that - 'Patut la, tengok badan pun dah tau da' - mmg bikin panas oo!! mcm mo kena tempiling ja tu urg ooo! kalau iya pun boring, jgn la tanya or ckp yg bkn2 ba. budusss...

  6. Coffee Girl> iya ba...setiap kali jumpa org misti semua ni kategori sy sebut di atas la kana tanya... oya.. soalan paling budu lagi sy pernah kana tanya.. 'Berapa lama datang Malaysia?'.....aduih...hahaha..bikin katawa ni.. Exotic?iya..hehe wah...trus sy teingat pokok bonsai o kalau tedengar ayat exotic...

    eugene> well i did that...siap ambil brochure membaca..tapi still dia interview me..
    tsk tsk time i just need show them my palm jak... :)

    Just> iya ba just..tang tu ayat la yang naik trus darah sy pigi kapala ni.... sy rasa geli betul ni..bukan tempiling jak just..mau tarajang pun ada...iya ba..i should suggest his manager to send them to attend customer service course ni..

  7. teruk juga tu...mau tingu badan org lagi... eee geli sya.... aduyai

  8. pergh gilaaaaaa punya sekuriti! -.-

  9. stella> itu la ba...SIT DOWN betul o kan...
    Aweyn> nda buli lupa tu ayat dia o,,

  10. Kurengs betul itu sekuriti...but then again, people like this not worth wasting your anger on them sebab dorang ni usually bukan jenis yg sedar durang tu tidak ngam...*sigh*

  11. betul tu cigu..bukan mau looked down on them...tapi durg katawa ja tu kalau kana mara...

  12. Ignore people like that...

  13. huhu, lain padang lain belalang, lain orang lai ragam dia, nice sharing...


The Einstein words! :)