
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hula Hoop

A hula hoop is a toy hoop that is twirled around the waist, limbs or neck. Although the exact origins of hula hoops are unknown, children and adults around the world have played with hoops, twirling, rolling and throwing them throughout history. - Wikipedia

Ingat senang main ni game...susah pula kan..
I bought 1~ ya... hahaha
what made me want to own 1...
camni ba cerita dia tu...
tiap2 tahun masa puasa, cafe kami kana tutup ba..
so pihak pengurusan kasi sewa la booth2 utk sepa2 yang mau berniaga time tu...anything from selling biskut raya sampai la jual rumah..
so last year during puasa...
ada la ni satu booth..pasal produk kasi kurus badan...
(ini la yang paling menarik hati wanita2 ba kan..hehe)
sebenarnya bukan saya minat mau beli pun...
saja sebenarnya mau interview tu saleswomen jak..

She is a mother of 2 kalau nda silap...and ya...
she was too fat before, after 3-6 months she take the product and exercise,
dia lost weight.. so saya pun tanya dia..
what type of exercise she do..
so dia kasi tau la... just men hula hoop and nek turun tangga...
and ya.. although i don't know how on earth to play ni gelung getah ni...
saya beli juga end of last year kalau nda silap..
(mau kurus kan.walaupun nda pandai kurus2 smpi skrg)

Dengan semangat 'Practice make perfect'
akhirnya skarang pandai suda men hula hoop (sikit2 la)..
my best time is to bergelek for 1 min....haha
disebalik tu.. ada cerita lawak sebenarnya...
will update soon~


  1. oh ya!hula hooping boleh kasi kecik pinggang tuh kan.hhehe

  2. nda tau la...kalau tiap2 ari buat ok kalau yang jarang2 tdak pula nampak perubahan :)


The Einstein words! :)